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Panwrypter Frequently Asked Questions

Help & Tutorials

Do you have tutorials for Panwrypter?

Please visit our Tutorials page to learn more about how to use Panwrypter based on some example scenarios. You can also access these tutorials from within the App.

Where is the help for Panwrypter?

Please visit our Help page for guidance on how to use the features of Panwrypter. You can also access this help from within the App.

App Registration & In-App Purchase

In-App Purchase In Progress

Why is my subscription purchase taking so long?

App Configuration

Reset Preferences

How do I restore my App settings for Panwrypter?

Under "Preferences", select the "Restore Prefs" button, then select "Yes".

After your preferences have been restored, exit then run the App again.

When you restart the App, you will be asked to provide a Temporary Sessions Folder to store your protected files, and optionally your e-mail address.

Restricting Restore Locations

Restricting Restore Locations

When restricting restore locations, mapping updates are slow