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volteFace - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between face identification, recognition, and comparison?

Please refer to our terminology guide for definitions of terms used by volteFace.

Will this App Send My Photos to the Cloud for Processing?

No. Your photos are processed and stored locally on your device.

Can I Anonymize my Photo to Resist Recognition by People?

By default, volteFace targets & anonymizes the key elements of your face, making your photo resistant to machine-based facial verification and identification

Depending on your needs, you can also increase the anonymization of faces in photos, to resist recognition by other people. This can be done by enabling the Anonymize Faces in Photos ...from Machines & People feature in preferences. This option will further impact the fidelity of the original photo.

Why is My Face Still Detected in a Photo after Anonymizing?

volteFace targets & anonymizes the key elements of your face, making your photo resistant to machine-based facial verification and identification, not generic human face detection.

In order to preserve the fidelity of the original photo, your entire face is not anonymized, only the portion that allows it to be recognized by facial recognition for the purposes of identifying who you are, and verifying your photo against other photos.

This means that your face might still be detected in a photo by the basic human face detection capabilities of hardware & software, but cannot be usefully cross-referenced to other photos of you that have been gathered previously.

Depending on your needs, you can increase the resistance of your photo to resist human face detection capabilities of hardware & software, by enabling the Anonymize Faces in Photos ...from Machines & People feature in preferences. This option will further impact the fidelity of the original photo.